At the end of April, Drury quarry hosted a group of year 7 and 8 students from the Ruru class at Ramamara School. The students enjoyed an interesting and entertaining educational tour which is part of our local schools education programme.

Their learning module focused on Ramarama Te Maketū and its surrounding area, and as the quarry is a major part of the local landscape, teacher Marquerite Way felt a visit would be beneficial for the students. Ruru had previously visited local Pā site Peach Hill Reserve, Te Maketū Waterfall and the Pratts Road Te Maketū Cemetery.

Being a part of the local community and being a good neighbour is important to the team at Drury quarry, so the opportunity to explain the function of the quarry to the next generation was a chance not to be missed. There was great support from the quarry staff with Jayden Ellis, Nathan Gibbons, Warren Coe, Mike Close, Ashton Cogdale, Fred Cole and Anne-Marie Petersen all joining the tour.

The class assembled at the Davies Rd house for a safety briefing on why they had to wear hi-viz gear and what to do in the case of an emergency. The students then piled into the vans and utes and headed for the quarry entering via the Ops office to the observation point where they enjoyed a vast view of the pit.

The students were educated on the sections of the pit and the types of rock that Drury mines. They also learned about the different levels in the quarry, blasting, the equipment we use and the lifecycle of a quarry.

Warren Coe was on hand to show the students some awesome-looking quartz that he had collected from the quarry. It was a huge hit with the kids, especially when they got to take a piece home with them.

The true magnitude of the pit surprised and impressed the students, and they were fortunate to see some of the aggregate sorters in action before they engaged in a Q&A session and photoshoot from the heights of the machinery.

Ruru class was briefed on the Future Of Tāmaki Makaurau colouring competition, and the role Drury quarry would play in those plans.

Students Eden and Scarlett said the highlights from the tour included the beautiful overview of the quarry and seeing Ramarama School and the local area from the lookout. The students also enjoyed learning about how important a quarry is in everyday life and the reasons why there is a need for rock and concrete.

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